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Finding Purpose in Crazy Times

Finding Purpose in Crazy Times

Dear Friends, We are living through some truly chaotic times. I hope you and your loved ones have been spared from the devastation of the fires in LA and the cruelty of recent political events. It’s all deeply unsettling. Here’s how I stay grounded in the midst of it...
Confessions of a Dreamer

Confessions of a Dreamer

Dear Friends, OK, I admit it … I’m a dreamer.  Some dreams have come true, while others are still out there waiting to be realized. One of my biggest dreams that came true was The Blue Heron Inn. After two years of managing the Village Inn, a charming restaurant in...
Moving aHEAD with Love

Moving aHEAD with Love

Dear Friends, Over twenty years ago, I crafted the papier-mâché head of the Gandhi Puppet — a labor of love that has seen him evolve through four different bodies. For the past nine years, he’s been journeying bodiless in the iconic GandhiMobile, spreading messages of...
Petaluma Postcard Pod

Petaluma Postcard Pod

Dear Friends, I’m optimistic about the future!  I think Trump is going to expose himself in the next two years and show the working class he’s only interested in enriching himself and his greedy billionaire buddies. But here’s the thing … we need to gain control of...
Seed the Vote Reunion in Oakland

Seed the Vote Reunion in Oakland

Dear Friends,   I attended a reunion in Oakland for Seed the Vote volunteers who knocked on doors in Pennsylvania.  I was expecting a somber crowd, given the election results, but everyone seemed to be upbeat and ready to do what needs to be...