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Petaluma Postcard Pod

Petaluma Postcard Pod

Dear Friends, I’m optimistic about the future!  I think Trump is going to expose himself in the next two years and show the working class he’s only interested in enriching himself and his greedy billionaire buddies. But here’s the thing … we need to gain control of...
Seed the Vote Reunion in Oakland

Seed the Vote Reunion in Oakland

Dear Friends,   I attended a reunion in Oakland for Seed the Vote volunteers who knocked on doors in Pennsylvania.  I was expecting a somber crowd, given the election results, but everyone seemed to be upbeat and ready to do what needs to be...
Update from Jes

Update from Jes

Dear Friends,   Like many of you, I was struck with awe by the election results.  I fully expected to be moving into a new age of empowered women, but apparently, we still need to move slowly.  And the future?  As you can imagine, I’m a little reluctant to predict,...